Welcome to the Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society!
Didn't get your Journal and Newsletter?
If you didn't get your Spring Journal and April Newsletter, check your Profile to be sure your mailing address and email address are correct.  The April Journal has been posted in the Members Login area under Journals, and the Newsletter has been posted under Newsletters. You can read them online, or print copies. 
There's more to see if you log in!
  If you are already a member, click on the Members Login link to login. 
  If you are not a member, use the Become a Member link to join.
          Check out the benefits of membership on that page!
Our new and improved site is here to provide you with the most up-to-date information about the Society. The website is still under construction, so check back frequently to see what new "bells and whistles" have been added.
We welcome suggestions and contributions from members and non-members alike. What would make our site better for you? Please submit any ideas to admin@nwmogenealogy.org or webmanager@nwmogenealogy.org.
You can also find us on Facebook. Facebook

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Upcoming Events
January 1, 2024
Important Notice
If you are a member and your login name is your Member Number, please change it.  You will find it under the Members Login area, ...