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Records: 1 to 14 of 14
Actions Call Number Title   Author
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View Record  AT-MO-08 1870 State Census -- Atchison County, Missouri Jone Craig Naylor, Cathryn Coe Craig & Iona Gomel White
View Record  AT-MO-02 1904 Atlas -- Atchison County, Missouri Shirley Brown
View Record  AT-MO-06 Atchison County, Missouri -- Directory 1899 NWMGS
View Record  BU-MO-01 Buchanan County, Missouri, Landowners -- 1877 NWMGS
View Record  BU-MO-02 Buchanan County, Missouri, Landowners -- 1895 NWMGS
View Record  DO-KS-03 Doniphan County, KS -- 1857 Census of Doniphan County, Territory of Kansas Territory of Kansas
View Record  HO-MO-06 Holt County Special Census -- 1876 NWMGS
View Record  MFL Index to 1876 Missouri State Census NWMGS
View Record  MFL Index to 1890 Missouri Special Census NWMGS
View Record  MFL Index to Missouri Special Censuses NWMGS
View Record  BU-MO-09 Plat Map Index for Buchanan County, Missouri -- 1843 - 1855 NWMGS
View Record  BU-MO-41 Residents of the Missouri State Hospital for the Insane #2, St. Joseph, Missouri -- 1900 Census Jacqueline Polsgrove Dunn
View Record  WO-MO-15 Special Census of Worth County, Missouri 1876 NWMGS
Records: 1 to 14 of 14