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Records: 1 to 8 of 8
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View Record  BA-MO-01 Barry County, Missouri -- Births 1883 - 1885 and Deaths 1883 - 1885 NWMGS
View Record  HO-MO-02 Births from Holt County, MO 1883-1893 Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society
View Record  MFL Births from Various Missouri Counties -- 1863 - 1960 NWMGS
View Record  CY-MO-01 Clay County, Missouri -- Births 1883 - 1884 NWMGS
View Record  CL-MO-03 Clinton County, MO -- Naturalizations/Declaration of Intention, Births NWMGS
View Record  CL-MO-01 Clinton County, MO, Records: Births 1883-1889; Deaths: 1883-1888 Kenneth Cox & Doris Lett
View Record  MFL Index to Marriages from the State of Missouri -- 1805 - 1975 NWMGS
Records: 1 to 8 of 8