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Records: 1 to 16 of 16
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  .Research Help
View Record  US-139AL-YB 139th Airlift, St. Joseph, MO 139th Airlift
View Record  US-24DIV-YB 24th Infantry Division, The Victory Division 24th Infantry Division Association; History Book Committee
View Record  US-5DIV-YB 5th Armored Division, Camp Chaffee AR, Basic Training Department of the Army
View Record  SJ-AAF-ATC-YB Army Air Force Air Transport Command Ferrying Division; Rosecrans Field; 561st AAF Base Unit First Operational Training Unit
View Record  US-FRA-YB Fleet Reserve Association - Brotherhood of the Sea Fleet Reserve Association
View Record  US-FRMO-YB Fort Riley KS, Medical Officers Training Camp Department of the Army
View Record  MFL Index to 1890 Missouri Special Census NWMGS
View Record  MFL Index to Military Records from State of Missouri NWMGS
View Record  MFL Index to US Revolutionary War Pensions -- 1800-1900 NWMGS
View Record  Spearhead in the West: The Third Armored Division 1941-1945
View Record  US-EGS-YB USS Ernest G Small DDR-838 - Cruise Book USS Ernest G Small DDR-838
View Record  US-FDR-YB USS Franklin D Roosevelt CV-42 - Cruise Book USS Franklin D Roosevelt CV-42
View Record  NO-MO-01 Veterans of Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam Vernal Barrett Lawnick
View Record  BU-MO-33 World War I Soldiers from Buchanan County, MO St. Joseph News-Press
View Record  BU-MO-07 World War II Soldiers from Buchanan County, MO St. Joseph News-Press
Records: 1 to 16 of 16